3.5.0 release thread

@WojciechMazur what about backporting SIP-54 (multi-source extension methods) to LTS?

That is definitely out of policy for LTS. It is a language enhancement, not a bug fix. Moreover, it has a non-negligible chance of breaking someone’s source code somewhere.


This SIP really feels like a bugfix (and several issues posted as bugs are a testament to that), and the likelihood of code breaking in this case is far less than some far reaching fixes I’ve experienced in the LTS release thus far (that DID cause regressions). Something to consider.

I have no particular opinion on whether it’s appropriate to backport to 3.3–I agree it could break code–but I do think that extension methods are a toy feature not suitable for widespread use without the patch in.

So what I really don’t think would be good is messaging of “use extension methods! They’re great!” and also “Use 3.3 LTS!”.

Extension methods are great in 3.4.

Scala 3.5.0-RC2 is now available for testing.
The second RC besides bugfixes includes native binaries for the new Scala runner available for most of the popular platforms.


Will the next release upgrade the scala-library to 2.13.14, it currently is 2.13.12

The 2.13.14 upgrade is planned for RC3