2.13.0-M5 release train

I’ve just published shapeless 2.3.3 for 2.13.0-M5 JVM/JS.

published: scala-xml 1.1.0, scala-parser-combinators 1.1.1, scala-collection-compat 0.2.0

see https://github.com/scala/make-release-notes/blob/2.13.x/projects-2.13.md for full list

more M5 libs available: scalacheck 1.14.0, scala-java8-compat 0.9.0, utest 0.6.6, genjavadoc 0.11, kind-projector 0.9.8, more.

see https://github.com/scala/make-release-notes/blob/2.13.x/projects-2.13.md for full list

with ScalaCheck now published as of a few days ago, that frees up ScalaTest and Specs2 to publish next, and then that should unblock many downstream projects.

note that ScalaCheck published for JVM only, so some downstream projects are still waiting for a Scala.js artifact to follow.

ScalaTest has now published (3.0.6-SNAP3), but also JVM only for now.

ScalaCheck and ScalaTest have both now published for both JVM and JS.

Specs2 (4.3.5) is published for JVM, but JS publishing is still pending (https://github.com/etorreborre/specs2/issues/709).

some other libraries now available for M5: expecty, scalaprops, json4s, unfiltered, et al. see https://github.com/scala/make-release-notes/blob/2.13.x/projects-2.13.md for full list


Specs2 4.3.5 is now available for both JVM & JS

Scala.js 1.0.0-M6 has been released, and supports M5 (so does 0.6.25, as before)

a bug was found in ScalaTest 3.0.6-SNAP3, fixed in SNAP4

Slinky 0.5.1+2-1405886d onwards is now published for 2.13.0-M5!

more libraries have been published for M5: cats, monocle, twirl, ssl-config, refined, catalysts, airframe, scoverage, scala-logging, minitest, scalate, simulacrum, enumeratum, machinist, discipline

see https://github.com/scala/make-release-notes/blob/2.13.x/projects-2.13.md for full list, and/or consult Scaladex and/or search.maven.org

better-files is now released for 2.13.0-M5

other projects that have published for M5 recently: cats-effect, scala-stm, scala-java-time, sourcecode, play-doc, play-json, better-monadic-for

Akka 2.5.19 (including actor, stream, cluster etc) is now also released for -M5, though accompanying libraries (such as akka-http, akka-management, akka-grpc etc) are still pending.


very great!

now available for M5: circe, scala-async, scopt

The akka-http 10.1.7 artifacts have now also been published for 2.13.0-M5

akka-http-cors has been published for 2.13.0-M5 in version 0.3.4.

also available now for M5: jawn, scodec-bits, scala-swing, cachecontrol

and: algebra, play-ws, fs2

and: akka-http-cors, play-server, metrics4-scala, log4s, scalariform, doobie, cats-mtl, kittens, silencer

scala-parallel-collections couldn’t be published for M5 because stdlib changes were required. it works with the latest 2.13 nightly and we will publish it for RC1

ScalaTest users on M5 may wish to upgrade to 3.0.6-SNAP6, if you were on SNAP4 or SNAP5

ScalaTest 3.0.6 and 3.0.7 are published for M5; no more “SNAP” releases needed

more libraries are now available for M5: spire, scalatags, jackson-module-scala

2.13.0-RC1 will be here soon; see 2.13.0-RC1 timing: January 2019

http4s crossed the finish line: https://twitter.com/http4s/status/1113924244369563649

http4s pulls in a huge swath of the Typelevel ecosystem, so that’s a good sign that Typelevel is in good shape for 2.13.

Now that RC1 is out that’s it for this thread :wave:

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