Surprising scala for loop evaluation

After working 2 years in scala I stumbled upon a surprising implementation detail of scala for loops.
To be honest, to me this looks like a bug.

Concretely the scala specification of for loops states that
which essentially introduces a new (unexpected) for loop.

Let me illustrate a bit more what this means. Take the following code as an example

  i <- 1 to 3
  _ = println(s"i = $i")
  js = i to 3
  _ = println(js)
  j <- js
  _ = println(s"j = $j")
} println((i, j))

What would you guess the output looks like? At least I myself was very surprised finding it to be

i = 1
Range(1, 2, 3)
i = 2
Range(2, 3)
i = 3
j = 1
j = 2
j = 3
j = 2
j = 3
j = 3

The problem is that the side-effects are executed at an non-intuitive place in time. To my honest opinion, this is 100% unwanted behaviour, as it will lead to many subtle bugs.

To get the expected behaviour the collections need to be cast to Streams

  i <- (1 to 3).toStream
  _ = println(s"i = $i")
  js = (i to 3).toStream
  _ = println(js)
  j <- js
  _ = println(s"j = $j")
} println((i, j))

this will indeed output

i = 1
Stream(1, ?)
j = 1
j = 2
j = 3
i = 2
Stream(2, ?)
j = 2
j = 3
i = 3
Stream(3, ?)
j = 3

To finish this contribution, the change needed for this is not magic at all, it just needs a different code rewrite. Concretely, all normal value definitions need to be included in the scope of the nested code block.
The value definition must be included right after => respectively:

  • [here should be images of how a normal for loop without value definitions is translated to foreach, map and flatMap, however I am to newbie to be able to upload more than one image per topic, awesome]
  • hence please look them up yourself on page 89/90 of

Any comments on why this was implemented this way are highly welcome
All endorsement to get such an adaptation into Scala 3 are also highly welcome

In practice the semantics of for depend on the implementation of foreach, map, and flatMap, and I suspect what you’re seeing is a result of that. If you want specific evaluation order you’d have to pick a collection with that evaluation order. For instance, I could make a collection whose foreach function goes in reverse order, and you wouldn’t want to use it here.
For fun, I wanted to see what par did. If you suffix your ranges with par, evaluation hangs. Surprising indeed.

were you in the REPL? see parallel collections + object initialization = hang · Issue #8119 · scala/bug · GitHub

The desugaring of imperative for comprehensions is downright awful. I suspect it’s done this for consistency with yielding comprehensions, but I think it’s a bad idea and has terrible performance implications (as well as surprises for users).

I proposed to change it here, but got no answers.


Yes I was in the REPL. I’m glad it’s a known problem, and the thread you linked helped me get it working. I wrapped the for in a method to get around the static initialization deadlock.